Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Detox Days 3-4

We're on day 4 now! Almost halfway done! Day 3 was a bit of a challenge, Day 4 is going much better. Day 3 we eliminated nuts and rice as well as everything else we had previously eliminated. We both were super tired for day 2 and day 3 and I could tell my body was not loving the new diet. Andre was faring a little better. After analyzing what I had eaten and how I was feeling on Day 3 I decided to make a few modifications. I added a scoop of protein powder to my morning shake to bring me up to my normal 25 grams for breakfast and I decided to keep nuts and rice cakes in and eat less fruit. I am not used to getting most of my carb intake from fruit (I follow a low fructose diet) and needed something a little longer lasting. So, now on the afternoon of day 4, I am feeling pretty good! My energy is better today, I still have a little "spaciness" in how my brain feels. I checked in with Andre and he is feeling better as well. He also added a scoop of protein to his morning shake. Neither one of us have had any "hangover" headaches, Andre was a little achy is his muscles this AM but he also worked out yesterday. I have not been hungry on this detox, Andre has (he also has a higher metabolic demand), but he has been good at getting snack as soon as he feels hungry. Food cravings have not been bad either. We both miss our morning coffee, I was craving a little chocolate on Day 2 but really haven't since. Surprisingly, neither one of us have craved any alcohol, which Andre thought would be harder to give up.

Here's what we ate:

Day 3: Shake and fruit for bfast, salad and veggie chili for lunch, shake for snack, grilled fish and veg including red potatoes for dinner.

Day 4: Shake with extra protein for bfast, soup and 2 rice cakes with almond butter for lunch, shake for snack, and grilled salmon sweet potato and asparagus for dinner.

Our shake beverage increased to 2 scoops today giving us 12 grams protein per serving, tomorrow we jump up to a 2 scoop shake 4 times per day. I anticipate that I will not need supplemental protein at that point, since I will have a steady intake all day long.

I will check back in around day 6 or 7!