Monday, April 22, 2013

Detox Day 5 and on to the end!

Well, we're done! We did a pretty good job, our only "cheats" were a few things like sweet potato and rice on days that they were not approved foods. Not too bad all things considered! Days 5-7 were the most strict with detox veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, etc.) being the only veggies allowed along with fish, apples/pears, and the shake 4 times per day. This is the phase where the bulk of the detoxification occurs. Energy was pretty good here for both of us, it seems like once we got past day 3 for me and day 4 for Andre our energies were much better. I know something was working detox wise because I was peeing like crazy! We both were extremely "fish fatigued" by the time we finished  and I do not think we will be eating it anytime soon! Eating fish this many days in a row was a big accomplishment for me, I am not a huge fish eater. Andre and I did not notice a huge change overall, but we do not eat a typical SAD (standard american diet) either. We really focus on eating a lot of whole, fresh food/minimal processed that we prepare ourselves in our daily lives. Of course we are not perfect and will have the occasional pizza and cheeseburger. Food cravings were not bad for either of us, Andre was missing coffee the most, I missed butter the most, but neither one of us had unbearable cravings. I was surprised how little I missed cheese, chocolate, and coffee. We treated ourselves with GT's Kombucha throughout to keep our morale high! I noticed that dinner was easier than lunch. Lunch was usually leftovers and I think actually cooking dinner made the meal more enjoyable overall. Andre remarked  that he was more aware and thankful for the types of food we are able to eat on a regular basis.  Andre feels he leaned up a bit and I lost about 2 pounds even though weight loss was not a goal, we were trying to whole body detox. From here on we will slowly introduce foods back in. I will say, my coffee this morning tasted excellent!