Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday's Health Tip - Are you Magnesium Deficient?

Magnesium is a vital catalyst for our body's energy production. Due to our western eating habits and nutrient depleted food, most Americans are magnesium deficient. Magnesium deficiency interferes with the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses, causing irritability and nervousness. In addition to leading to conditions such as insomnia, irritability, high blood pressure, chronic pain, depression, IBS, and heart problems, a magnesium deficiency will make nearly every disease worse. Magnesium can be easily supplemented and there are a variety of types available. It may take a little "trial and error" to find the type that agrees with your system the best, but magnesium asporotate and magnesium citrate are a good place to start. There are also several calcium/magnesium blends available. Good food sources include fish, meat, avocados, bananas, green leafy vegetables, and brown rice to name a few.

Dr. Emily

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Four Rivers Chiropractic & Acupuncture has finally joined the digital age with our new blog! Check back regularly to get updates about events and happenings at the office, special events, health tips, and more!

Dr. Emily