Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Holiday Closures

The office will be closed:

Friday and Saturday August 28th and 29th, We will re-open Monday August 31st at 10am

Saturday - Monday September 5th-7th, We will re-open Wednesday September 9th at 9am

Yoga is coming!!!

Yoga classes will be offered starting at the end of September! Staci, a certified yoga instructor will be hosting an "Experience Yoga" session on September 21st (that will be free), more details about that to follow at a later date, then regular classes will begin on Wednesday evenings. The dates and prices will follow at a later date also.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday's Health Tip - Let's talk Calcium

OK, so I know most of my lady patients, especially those above 40 are taking calcium to help preserve their bone strength. Good. Now, are you taking the right kind of calcium? Look at your bottle, if it says "calcium carbonate" on it, throw it out. You are only absorbing 20% (at the most) of that calcium.

There are several kinds of calcium out there, all with different absorbtivities. The ones that absorb better are calcium citrate and plant based calciums. Calcium citrate is also the calcium that is found in the orange juice fortified with calcium, and this is good way to boost your intake, but your will probably need more. Calcium supplements work better when taken with vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin C. Calcium and Magnesium need and acidic environment (your stomach) to absorb, so while dairy has a lot of calcium, you are not absorbing much of it because of the basic pH of milk.

Most women need 1200 mg to halt bone loss, but take as directed on the label and under the direction of a physician. It is also important to understand that once bone loss has begun, it cannot be reversed very easily, we can mostly just halt it's progression. This means that most women, especially those that are pregnant and lactating should be supplementing their calcium intake through good quality sources for the rest of their lives. Some excellent food sources are green leafy vegetables, broccoli and nuts.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What exactly is acupunture good for?

I get asked this question a lot. The answer is virtually everything. Acupuncture is very effective tool for dealing with pain, arthritis, stress, anxiety, illness, smoking cessation, hormone balancing, headaches, fibromyalgia, and much much more. It is also a wonderful way to live a more balanced life. Most of my patients experience a sense of well being, clam, and balance after a treatment....regardless of what the treatment was for! At my office, we use a tool called the AcuGraph (you can check it out here) to actually see what your acupuncture meridians are doing energetically. This makes for a very effective treatment when coupled with traditional acupuncture points. In closing, acupuncture is for everything and everyone! Call or stop by today of you have questions!

In good health,

Dr. Emily

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday's Health Tip - Omega's

Many of us have heard that fish oil is beneficial to our health, but do we actually know why? Fish oil contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, the so called "good fats". The active compounds, EPA and DHA affect large parts of our bodies. Omega's are potent anti-inflammatory agent, help protect our hearts, help our cognitive function (brain fog), can help slash infant allergies when taken by mom, and are excellent for our skin. Where you get your fish oil is important. Many of our oceans are polluted, causing our fish and consequently fish oils to be contaminated as well. Look for formulas that contain wild Alaskan salmon (one of the cleanest fish out there) and are cold pressed. We have a new Omega product in the office from New Chapter Organics called "Wholemega" that meets all of these criteria. You can check it out here or stop by the office!

Dr. Emily