Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Food sensitivities, now what? -Part 2

Once you have discovered a sensitivity some steps need to be taken to heal your gut and the rest of your body. Simply removing the food will decrease symptoms, but the gut damage is still there, allowing waste to continue leaking out. The "4 R" program is great for healing gut integrity.

  1. Remove the food irritant
  2. Replace lost digestive function with enzymes as needed
  3. Reinoculate your gut with good bacterial probiotics
  4. Repair your gut mucosal membrane to seal up holes
I have several "4R" products available in the office. Gut integrity is extremely important, most of our immune system is located in our gut! By effectively sealing off your gut lining the bad stuff (poop) stays where it is supposed to and is eliminated by your body. This leads to a dramatic decrease in body wide symptoms and body wide inflammation. 

The "Big 8" foods that are highly reactive are:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Wheat/gluten
  • Peanuts
  • Tree Nuts
  • Soy
  • Shellfish
  • Fish

I have seen a lot a dairy and egg sensitivities in patients who have been tested. I have seen some grain intolerances (wheat, corn, etc.) and a few shellfish and nuts. I even had a migraine sufferer test positive for a chocolate sensitivity (my worst nightmare)! I have also seen foods as random as green beans and kidney beans show up for a patient.  Once the food sensitivities are identified, we can sit down and go through them one by one an come up with a reasonable plan for elimination with the appropriate nutritional support.  Patients who are getting tested are:
  • Migraine and headache sufferers
  • IBS patients
  • Fibromyalgia patients
  • Patients with widespread inflammation
  • Patients with difficult or stubborn issues not otherwise resolved
  • Patients with stubborn skin issues (acne, eczema, etc.)
  • Patients who want to improve their health 
If you think you (or someone you know) have a food sensitivity and are interested in testing please call the office! I will be more then happy to test and guide you through the process!