Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pregnancy Care - pre and post natal

I had the opportunity to visit with the Mercy Mom's Connect group this morning! We had a great time talking about the conditions chiropractic/acupuncture can hep with during and after your pregnancy. One the most popular things I see in the office is sciatic pain. Many women experience sciatica due to the changes in the weight of the baby, their pelvis, and muscles. Sciatica is very easy to treat! We can also help out with pubic pain, back pain, breech babies, overdue labor, nausea and vomiting, insufficient lactation, and many more! Many women will still have some degree of pelvic torsion or asymmetry after childbirth, which can easily be corrected with chiropractic. I even work on the babies as well! Colic, constipation, wry neck (torticolis), sucking and latching on issues, sleep issues, and many more respond very well to care. Babies usually respond quickly and do not need a long treatment plan. The Four River's Chiropractic office is warm and inviting  and we offer nothing but the gentlest care for our Mom's and their babies!